


Periskope is committed to the security
and privacy of our customers' data.

Periskope is committed to the security and privacy of our customers' data.

Data Protection

Data Protection

Data Protection

Robust security measures to protect sensitive information and adhere to stringent industry standards.

Robust security measures to protect sensitive information and adhere to stringent industry standards.

Data at rest

All datastores are encrypted at rest. Sensitive information is encrypted at the application level.

Data in transit

Periskope uses TLS 1.3 or higher everywhere data is transmitted over potentially insecure networks.

Data backup

Periskope backs-up all data using a point-in-time approach. Backups are persisted for 7 days.

Security Controls

Security Controls

Security Controls

With industry best practices, and a collection of operational controls, Periskope is committed to the safety and confidentiality of your data.

With industry best practices, and a collection of operational controls, Periskope is committed to the safety and confidentiality of your data.

Infrastructure Security

Restricted production database access

Restricted production database access

Restricted encryption key access

Restricted encryption key access

Established access control procedures

Established access control procedures

Log management utilised

Log management utilised

Network segmentation implemented

Network segmentation implemented

Product Security

Data encryption utilized

Data encryption utilized

Data transmission encrypted

Data transmission encrypted

Assessment of controls

Assessment of controls

Established vulnerability monitoring

Established vulnerability monitoring

Data backups utilised

Data backups utilised

Internal Security Procedures

Disaster recovery plans established

Disaster recovery plans established

Backup processes established

Backup processes established

Security policies established

Security policies established

Third party agreements established

Third party agreements established

Access requests restricted by role

Access requests restricted by role

Data & Privacy

Data retention procedures established

Data retention procedures established

Customer data deleted on request

Customer data deleted on request

Customer data deleted on exit

Customer data deleted on exit

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Supercharge your WhatsApp with a powerful CRM, workflow automation and integrations

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