what.sapp.link - your WhatsApp link and QR generator

what.sapp.link - your WhatsApp link and QR generator

Nov 15, 2023

Introducing what.sapp.link - a free tool by Periskope.

Generate a free personalized what.sapp.link for your number. Share it with your customers, partners, and other stakeholders to make it easy for them to reach you on WhatsApp

Why what.sapp.link?

Sharing your WhatsApp number with someone is quite inconvenient. You have to share your number, they have to save it, and then they have to open WhatsApp and search for your number to start a conversation

What if you could just share a link that opens a chat with you on WhatsApp? That's what what.sapp.link does

Steps to generate your personalized WhatsApp link

Visit what.sapp.link and follow these steps:

  1. Enter your WhatsApp number

  2. Enter an optional pre-filled message that users can send you (e.g. Hi)

  3. Choose a personalized link (e.g. what.sapp.link/yourname). This link is forever free and will be reserved for you

  4. Share the link and generated QR with your customers, partners, and other stakeholders

Personalized OG image

Every link generated with what.sapp.link comes with an autogenerated open-graph image. So when you share it publicly, the link will automatically show a preview of your name and number

Supercharge your WhatsApp with a powerful CRM, workflow automation and integrations

Supercharge your WhatsApp with a powerful CRM, workflow automation and integrations

Supercharge your WhatsApp with a powerful CRM, workflow automation and integrations